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Ken The Messenger

1) Tell us something about yourself that your fans may not know.

A: Actually, I’m very introverted and I have a hard time accepting compliments.

2) What was the inspiration behind your project 'Ghetto Gospel'?

A: Ghetto Gospel is a project that was put together to connect my street-side to my church-boy side. I also wanted to form a piece of art that communicates to the world that you don't have to be perfect to seek God. He, actually, rather you come as you are to give him something to work with. Most Christians tend to push people away who are not living according to their own beliefs. I don’t believe in that. God loves all and has already sent his son to die for the world’s sin. There’s so much going on in the city of Chicago, and other major cities; killings, car jackings, abductions, etc. People are hurting. Why push them away? Where I’m from is where the gospel needs to be right now.

3) What were some of your favorite songs to work on with this project?

A: Need You, Trench Talk and Ghetto Gospel because they were all different for me.

4) How has Englewood, Chicago had an impact on your music style?

A: I grew up with my mom and brother. My grandfather is a bishop and my grandmother is a pastor; my aunts and mother served in ministry as well. My grandfather was definitely a father-figure and the only father I really knew. I knew of my biological father and would see him every now and then but didn’t and still don’t know him. That resulted in me not really knowing myself. I looked for an outlet. I tried gangs, drugs, and sex. Once I came out of that phase and discovered God’s purpose and presence in my life, I started to feel like I could help others who were dealing with the same thing.

Because of that, my musical style comes from a very personal and internal space, so it’s basically whatever I’m feeling at the moment. It’s mostly hip hop and trap, but sometimes R&B. This is why I don’t like being confined to a box/genre. Music is fluid.

5) Who are some of your musical influences?

A: My modern influences are Mali Music, J. Cole, Todd Dulaney, Jonathan McReynolds, Jay Z and so many more.

6) What's next for Ken the Messenger?

A: I’m working on multiple projects with other artists in my network. I completed 8 features last year, then there’s the Ghetto Gospel album, and I have a lot of videos on the way. So while filming the rest, I’ll be knocking out more features just to keep the brand out there. You can stream everything on all major platforms or at Definitely visit my website and sign up for updates to stay in the loop.

Follow Ken the Messenger:

Instagram - @kenthemessenger

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