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Sid Seth

1) Tell us something about yourself that your fans may not know.

A: I need a minimum of two duvets to sleep at night. In total I own four duvets at the moment, and if it’s cold enough I sometimes even use all of them.

2) When did you start wanting to pursue a career in music.

A: I always wanted to pursue music, but I was skeptical about it. I still remember listening to Bruno Mars, Chris Martin and Adele in high school and thinking “I also want to do that, I want to tell stories and sing!” It was the act of being extremely free and whoever you wanted to become once you’re on stage. And, I wasn’t sure what the path was like, or had any idea how to make a record then. But, I just started with singing and writing songs and I guess moving to New York made things more focused for me.

3) How has the Manhattan School of Music helped you learn about the industry?

A: I learnt a lot about the voice and could developed my artistry at MSM. I really enjoyed exploring many genres and styles which I was always interested to do. Being surrounded by highly skilled musicians 24/7 kept me on my toes (still does) to keep going harder and pushing further.

4) What's the most important thing you have used to help your career?

A: A good sounding microphone! I had no idea how to record music and renting a studio was too expensive for me. So I’m glad I saved money and bought a mic that I could use to produce my latest single “Simple Yet True” which was recorded in my bedroom. Sorry neighbours! Just kidding, they enjoyed the song :)

5) What was the inspiration behind your latest single Simple Yet True?

A: For me it was a kind of long-forgotten memory that somehow got unlocked through the process of painting. It was a real aha moment! There are a lot of core memories that get locked away deep into our subconscious, and I think it’s easy for many of us to forget how to access them. Simple Yet True came about from me exploring that space. Of course, it was totally unintentional, but I was painting something abstract. Just mixing colors and I saw this image in front of me which drew me in to a childhood memory that I had completely forgotten for years. And in that moment I wrote this song and recorded the demo. I find it interesting how these tender memories, can consume and transport us to a totally different time and place. I hope some of that shines through to the listener, so maybe they too can go on that journey, and see what they find.

6) If you could have one feature for the rest of your career, who would it be?

A: I would love to have a collaboration with Beyoncé. In my opinion, whatever track she has hopped on, the end result is spectacular. It’s unique and it serves as a standalone record rather than a cookie cutter remix or a mashup. What I truly enjoy is how you can hear the clear distinction between both the artists but it still perfectly blends together. I mean at the end of the day she’s queen bey!

Follow Sid Seth:

TikTok: @sid_seth

Instagram: @sidsethsings

YouTube: @sidseth

Soundcloud: @idhanteth


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