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Benny Duhay

1) Tell us something about yourself that your fans may not know.

A: I was a D-1 track and field athlete in college, I threw Javelin for three years.

2) How did your journey with music start?

A: I think initially music was a way for me to make friends and socialize all while being able to express myself as a teenager. Over time it has grown into my way to vent and inspire others. My biggest thing is that my music journey has to positively impact the people listening. Not every song has to be deep or extremely lyrical for it to be impactful but to me, every song has to make an impact on the listener.

3) Being from Tel-Aviv and not knowing much English, how hard was it to start learning to be able to create the music you are today?

A: There was definitely a learning curve. I'd say that music actually helped me through the process. I am not sure that I'd have the vocabulary that I do today if I didn't start making music at an early age.

4) What albums did you grow up listening to?

A: Graduation (Kanye West), Marshall Mathers LP (Eminem), So Far Gone (Drake), No Ceilings (Lil Wayne), Food and Liquor (Lupe Fiasco).

5) Who are some artists who have influenced your career thus far?

A: I would say that some of my strongest influences are Kanye West, Drake, Lupe Fiasco, Eminem, J. Cole and Lil Wayne. All quite different as artists but I think I took something from every single one of them and many other artists that I have worked with in the past.

6) Who is one artist that you would love to collaborate with?

A: Drake is the top artist that comes to mind as far as artists within my lane but if I was to expand it to different genres I would say Khalid. I feel like we'd make some amazing music together.

7) What was the inspiration behind your recent release 'Mexico?'

A: When I first started writing "Mexico" I was actually in Cancun hanging out by the pool. Over time it became more of an escape from the pandemic reality that we are all living in. I started writing the song prior to the beginning of 2020 but I completed it in the midst of quarantine so it was definitely a way to vent and maybe even mentally remove myself from being stuck in the bubble.

8) What's next for you as an artist?

A: My goal is to continue to grow as an artist and to continue to establish myself on Hip-Hop's up next radar. I see my fan base growing every day and the feedback to my recent single "Mexico" has been amazing. I am hoping to continue building that momentum into my next single "Bubble Rap" and my Benny Raps Series which will be available on my Youtube page as well as on IGTV.

Follow Benny Duhay:

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